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If you want to learn Solo Jazz from scratch, this is the course for you! You will have a blast while learning the steps ... Show more
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127 Students enrolled
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With this course you will learn basic vocabulary of Authentic Jazz and transitions how to improvise with guided exercise and you'll have fun dancing a little routine.

I will teach you about the history of Solo Jazz, show you original clips so that you can relate what you have learnt to its origin.

Solo Jazz, also known as Authentic Solo Jazz Dance, emerged in the United States in the early 20th century, in the African-American community of New Orleans and subsequently became popular in cities such as New York and Chicago.

Its roots can be traced back to West Africa. Over the centuries, millions of people were enslaved and forcibly taken to North America and elsewhere. Traditional African culture and dances were adapted and combined with local elements, resulting in an original and distinctly African-American culture, music and dance. Thus, the Authentic Jazz forms part of this African-American cultural tradition along with other dances such as Boogaloo, Popping, Locking and Breakdancing.

At the beginning of the 20th century, this style of dance developed in parallel to the Jazz as a musical genre, merging African and European influences to create a unique and vibrant form of expression. To this day, it is a form of expression that continues to develop and expand.


Solo Jazz is characterised by the improvisation and the individual expression through energetic and creative movements. Rhythm is also one of the most important elements of this dance. 


If you want to enjoy learning Solo Jazz, don't hesitate to join this course!


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Gift yourself the joy of dancing with me.